Yes, that is how I have always felt about running. BUT, my husband has had this crazy idea since January to run a 5K. Great for him, but not for me. At least not until he got me interested in the Color My Run. It sounded like it would be so much fun, so I jumped on board and agreed to
Here are some pics from our morning of fun! Fun and running - who would have ever thought I'd use those two words together?
Lots of color!
My sister-in-law ... so glad she could run with us!
Little Man came out to cheer us on.
One of our teen girls...yeah, she kicked my tail!
Can you tell Dad avoided the color?
TJ...the man crossing the finish line victoriously! Love it!
Overall, it was an awesome experience. My only complaint about the day was that I didn't actually get to check the 5K off of my to-do list. The course was not actually 5K long which was very disappointing when it was over. Oh, well, guess that leaves room for more challenges ahead!
What good came out of preparing and accomplishing this task? I actually don't despise running so much cross the finish line a lot faster if you run instead of walk! Be inspired!