
Thursday, October 30, 2014

goodbye. hello.

For many months now, I have been wrestling with the focus of my blogging life. When I first started this blog over two years ago, I had high (and unrealistic) expectations of what my blog would turn out to be. I was happy with my ability to keep up with posts in the beginning, but it really became too much for me to keep up with on a regular basis. As a result, I was kinda beating myself up mentally for not posting on a steady basis.

On top of my mounting frustration for not keeping up, I lost sight of why I was blogging. In fact, I'm not sure that I ever really set out with a purpose when I started Organized Chaos. This resulted in the mental struggle of the last few months - What is the purpose of my blog? and Should I keep it? 

I've decided to answer these questions. 

The purpose of my blog is to keep a record of people I love and things that I love. Blogging is NOT high on the priority list in my life. Although I enjoy sitting down and sharing ideas with all of you, my relationship with the Lord, my family, and my ministry must take priority when it comes to time - and yes, these things take most of my time. 

This leads to the second question. Should I keep my blog? I've decided the answer is YES. I enjoy sitting down to write out what is going on in life or to share something new and fun that I've done. I have simply come to the realization that I will blog when I can. It is a hobby for me, therefore I'll enjoy it when I can. 

Because I have a clear purpose and proper priority for my blog, I've decided to start out fresh. I started a new blog.  Organized Chaos will remain active in order to keep pinterest links live. However, all new posts will be on the new blog. I would love for you to continue to follow me, just make sure that you sign up through email on the new blog or simply click the "follow" link on the new blog. 

So, it's goodbye to Organized Chaos and hello to house one eighteen!

Friday, August 15, 2014

when nursing doesn't work out

A few weeks ago I sat down with my two kids at a public event right as Aubrey's time to eat rolled around. As I pulled out her bottle and began mixing up her formula, I caught the eye of a mom who was sitting with her kids a few feet to my right. I wasn't prepared for the enormous scowl that was plastered all over her face as she looked at the formula I was preparing for my child. It was as if I could hear her saying something like "What kind of mother are you to be feeding formula to your baby when she is so young!?!" I won't say it didn't stun me, but I was super thankful that I had already come to grips with the fact that it's all right if nursing doesn't work out for you.

Both of my children were born with a natural curl back in their tongues when they sucked. This motion caused severe trauma to me when nursing and I had to exclusively pump after a few weeks with both of them. With my first, we exhausted our options trying to make it work. We even had an ENT doctor clip his frenulum to make sure that wasn't causing the problem. With little girl, I knew what the problem probably was and lactation consultants confirmed it. I was doing everything perfect, I just could not control her tongue. The only hope I had was a very slim chance of help from an occupational therapist. 

Not wanting to spend super money for something that probably wouldn't work, I decided to pump exclusively as long as I could, wanting six weeks to be my minimum. 

By the time I got to six weeks with her, I was already having to supplement more than half of her bottle each feeding, so I decided that the goal was to feed her well. Therefore, we switched over completely to formula.

Of course, if you have ever experienced this, you know it is a decision made with tears and painful emotions. As a mother having to give up breastfeeding, you are tempted to feel inadequate and unable to provide for your little one. However, after talking things over with my pediatrician, who reminded me that both he and I were formula fed and we turned out all right, I felt more confident in making the switch.

Yes, I do believe that breastfeeding is best, and if you are able, you most definitely should. If you are in the beginning stages and are having trouble, see a lactation specialist first and talk things over with your pediatrician.

But to those of you who find yourself in a situation where it is just not going to work, please don't beat yourself up. It's just not worth it! As a mom, it is your duty to feed your baby. So, feed him! in whatever way is best. Hold your head up, and fight the urge to explain yourself to everyone - they don't need an explanation. Be confident in your decision and focus on the more important things in life!

For those moms out there who were fortunate to be able to nurse and nurse well, please remember that it doesn't come easy for everyone. Do your best to encourage new moms around you, even if they aren't able to breastfeed. I know that I received some encouragement from ladies in my church family, and that encouragement helped me to let go of guilt and feelings of inadequacy.

If we are blessed with another child, nursing will again be the first option. Hopefully, it will go smoothly, but if it doesn't, it will be OK. 

Thanks for letting me share my heart. I feel like maybe it will help someone else in a similar situation. 

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

welcoming a princess

Where to begin? I've been putting off this post because I don't want to condense everything to fit in one blog post. However, for your sanity, I'll try not to write a book!

First of all, my whole pregnancy with Aubrey was different from my first. I was sick with her, I gained significantly less weight, I carried her differently, and my body reacted differently because it had been through this before. I wasn't disappointed with a lack of differences when labor came either.

When Owen came into the world, my water broke in the doctor's office, they wheeled me over, I got my epidural, and everything progressed from there. He was also a week early, something I was hoping for the second time around as well.

But little girl had plans of her own. Not really having any contractions or labor pains until after my water broke with O, I was nervous about knowing if I was in labor or not based on contractions in the event that my water did not break on its own (and it didn't).

The two weeks leading up to her birth, I had Braxton Hicks contractions ALL THE TIME! I was constantly timing, and sometimes I thought I was getting ready to head to the hospital, only  to have the contractions subside.

However, around 1AM on March 6, I was awakened by a feeling I hadn't felt just yet and I KNEW it was a real contraction. I started the timer on my nightstand, and by 4AM, it was time to get up and get ready.

By 5:30AM, we were checking in at the hospital, and by 6:30AM, I was at 6cm and getting my epidural! The meds worked great (much better than the first time) and I progressed quickly. About 10:30, the nurse came in and said I was at 10cm, but suggested waiting another half hour to start pushing so that little girl might come a little faster.

I officially started pushing at 11:06, and after the pushes from the first contraction, the nurse told me to stop until the Doctor could come in. It seemed like it took forever for the doctor to get there, but when she did, I pushed twice and she was born at 11:22AM!

Of course no words can express the joy and flood of overwhelming emotion that overtakes you when you hold your child for the first time! It was love at first sight!

We had many loved ones and friends come to visit, and we are so blessed with the love and support of all our friends and family.

Owen meeting his little sister for the first time was also an amazing moment in our lives. He loves his little sister so much - from the first moment he met her.

I am so thankful for all that the Lord has blessed us with and I look forward to what He has in store for the lives of my children!

I love my family of four!

Friday, February 28, 2014

What's In the Bag?

Well, here I sit, 5 days from my due date, waiting for labor to kick in at any moment. 

I went early with little man (in fact, he was already here if we are comparing time tables) so this wait is really trying my patience...hehe. But today I have tried to mentally resolve that baby girl is going to come in God's perfect timing and my worrying and fretting about it isn't going to change anything. 

But, if you have any tricks to start labor, I'm all ears :) 

I thought I'd share with you what I packed in my hospital bag. My first experience with giving birth and camping out in the hospital resulted in many bags, a cluttered room, and just too much stuff sitting in the room that I did not need. Couple that with the gifts and goodies that people bring you (not complaining about those), and we ended up taking several trips to load the car before we left the hospital. 

This time around, I carefully considered the necessities and packed accordingly. 

I have two bags packed and ready to go in the car. Last time, I had my bag packed, but kept it in the corner of my room, resulting in someone having to go get it from my house when my water broke while I was at my weekly check-up. Lesson to be learned: put your packed bag in the car! 

Another problem that I ran into the first time around was not packing clothes for the hubby. This only led to frustration as I was in the hospital not wanting him to leave my side, but he had to go get clothes at some point. 

So, I have two bags: one for me and hubby, the other for baby girl. 

First, take a look at what is in our bag: 

1. Hairbrush - This isn't my normal brush, but it will do for two days.
2. Hair straightener - I actually have two of these, so I packed the extra which allows me to use my regular one at home without having to worry about forgetting it last minute.
3. Flip flops - cheap rubber flops for that matter - you'll want these to walk around the room and for the shower!
4. Socks - Sometimes the AC is really cold!
5. Undies - You may or may not use these - in fact you probably will use the disposable ones that the hospital gives you, but I packed a couple pair just in case.
6. Nursing Bra - Definitely pack this!
7. After delivery outfit - You'll want something comfortable, especially on the waistline. You never know if you'll have to have an unplanned C-section or not. I packed a pair of my maternity pants.
8. Going Home Outfit - Once again, something comfy. Chances are, you won't be able to wear any pre-pregnancy clothes yet :)
9. Snacks - Just in case you and hubby get the munchies.
10. Hubby's things (not pictured): Two comfy shirts, a pair of shorts, a pair of athletic pants, sandals or flip flops, razor, toothbrush, socks, boxers. Now, he does't have to run home!
11. Toiletries and Make-Up - Because we travel so much, this bag stays packed for me so I can just throw it in a suitcase, but I added some simple make-up to it this time instead of carrying my whole make-up ensemble with me. What's in it? - shampoo, conditioner, hair product, hair spray, body wash, face wash, make-up remover, mouthwash, nail polish remover, deodorant, razor, wrinkle reducer spray, cotton balls, cotton swabs, nursing pads, moisturizer, bobby pins, foundation powder, a simple eyeshadow compact, eyeliner, and mascara. 

12. Chargers - I put the spares in early so I know we are covered!

13. Change purse - Just in case.

14. Labor essentials - Bobby pins, hair ties, chap stick.

15. A few things not pictured - lanolin, and CAMERA!

Baby Bag: 

1. Blankets - The hospital provides blankets, so these are not necessities, but they make for better pictures. 
2. Hat - You'll want a cute one to put on little one's head!
3. Necessities - soft brush, nail clippers (a must!), baby powder, and vaseline (this is good to rub on the bottom before that first dirty diaper - it makes wiping of the meconium much easier)
4. Mittens
5. Socks
6. Onesies or Sleepers - different sizes
7. Going-home outifit
8. Hairbows/Hairbands
9. Pacifier (in paci holder)
10. White shoes
11. I threw in a few burp cloths at the last minute. 

Finally, if you have older siblings, make sure you pack a gift for them and pack their bags ahead of time as well!

That's it, folks. It is in the car and ready to we wait on her! 

I'd love to hear your comments on different things you needed/didn't need! 

Monday, February 17, 2014

Baby Leggings Promo

Hello out there! If anyone is still listening...I must say it is pretty shameful that I haven't posted anything since the end of November! I have tons of ideas for great posts from December, and of course, I've got to give some updates on the baby, I know, I know.

Trust me, I have some things coming as long as baby girl gives me a little time to type them up before making her grand entrance into the world (d-day is 2 weeks and a day away - yippee!), but today I wanted to share an awesome deal with you moms of little ones.

A friend of mine sent me the promo link in an email, and these are too stinking cute!

Baby Leggings! How cute are they?

Today you can get 5 pairs for free using the promo code "BeMine14"

Here's what you need to do:

1) Go to
2) Click the "shop now" link.
3) Add at least 5 pairs of leggings to your cart.
4) Your shopping bag will be at the bottom of the page when you are finished choosing your adorable leggings.
5) Enter the promo code BeMine14 in the promo code box.
6) Pay shipping and voila! They are on the way to your home!

As an added bonus, you can also get any additional pair for just $2 each.

These make great accessories for your own little ones or great gifts for friends!

Pass it on!